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The order of publications in the journal “Society and Power”

For publication in the journal we take into consideration articles by experts in the field of state and local administration, philosophy, sociology, political science, law, economics and management as well as articles by teachers, post-graduates and students.  

Themes of the publications correspond to various aspects of society’s conditions (political, social, economic, legal, etc.) and its relationship with state and local authorities.  

Please e-mail all necessary documents (article, information about the author, etc.) to Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в браузере должен быть включен Javascript.. Articles must correspond to the requirements presented below.

All articles are reviewed by Editorial Board and checked for plagiarism.

The decision about publication is made within 3 months from registration day of an article.

If the documents deviate from expert’s remarks, new variant should be registered one more time.

The author undertakes not to publish a whole article or parts of it in any other periodical without the permission of editorial staff, until the paper is published in the journal “Society and Power”.

Review and publication of articles are free.

E-mail address of an author is obligatory.

Author’s copies are sent by cash on delivery in amount which the author indicates in written application.

If an article doesn’t meet the requirements, it won’t be accepted for reviewing and editing. 


Article Requirements


  1. All necessary documents (article, information about the author, etc.) are e-mailed to Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в браузере должен быть включен Javascript..

Example: Ivanov I.I. (article).doc; Ivanov I.I. (information about the author).doc

  1. Language: Russian

Article length: no more than 20.000 characters without spaces (including UDC, information about an author, annotation, key words, references)

Text are prepared using Microsoft Word (*.doc), fonts – Times New Roman, 14

Interlinear space: 1

Margins: 20 mm

Indentation: 1.25

Please justify your text and do not use end-of-line hyphenation

  1. In text marks are made in light italic type. Titles and subtitles – in bold type.  
  2. Visual elements (pictures, drawings, diagrams, schemes) are made with the help of graphic editors. All elements should be numbered consecutively and should have a name.
  3. Figures are presented in tables. All tables in turn are numbered consecutively and signed. Numbering of tables is continuous. Abbreviations are not used in tables (exception – units of measurement). Electronic version of each table and picture are duplicated in separate files.
  4. The beginning of the article is required to contain the following information: UDC, title of the article; name, middle name, surname of the author; place of work (study); work status; scientific degree and academic rank (if any), country, city, e-mail.
  5. References to scientific literature within the text are made in square brackets. For instance [7, 27 p.]. At the end of the article references are organized in alphabetical order (first Russian sources and then foreign ones). The number of sources are no more than 30.
  6. References to legislation, statistical information, publicistic literature as well as notes are given in each page as footnotes with the help of automatic asterisk *.
  7. References are duplicated in the format References (Latin transliteration and English translation). You can use free web-site (www.translit.ru) to transliterate Russian text into Latin one.
  8. References are arranged in accordance with GOST 7.0.5 – 2008 “Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of making”
  9.  For standard acts you write the first and the last edited dates.
  10. In addition to the article the author e-mails a separate file in English and in Russian languages. This file should contain the following information:

a)      Annotation with the title of the article, surname and initials of the author

b)      Key words (no more than 5)

c)      Information about the author: name, middle name, surname, place of work (study), work status, scientific degree and academic rank, contact information (postal address with index, e-mail address, telephone number)

d)     Subject-matter of the article (field of study)



Example of an article

Example of references in Russian

Example of references in the format References



Formatting rules.doc

Formatting rules.pdf

GOST 7.0.5 – 2008 “Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of making”

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ПИ № 77–16702 от 15.10.2003 года, выдано Министерством Российской Федерации по делам печати, телерадиовещания и средств массовых коммуникаций